Prince of Fire by Megan Linski

Prince of Fire by Megan Linski

Author:Megan Linski
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Gryfyn Publishing

Chapter Eight

Professor Shadi erupts like a volcano when I walk into his class at the end of the week.

“Where. Have. You. Been,” he hisses, slamming a textbook shut. “No phone call! No email! You simply drop off of the face of the earth when mankind depends on you! I don’t know why I continue to bother with you, Zayde! You did this two-thousand years ago, and you still do it now—”

“My mother needed me,” I say shortly. “That’s all you need to know.”

“That’s all I need to know?” he says, outraged. “I cannot believe you!”

“Be glad I’m even at this school,” I shoot back at him. “If it wasn’t for my mother, I wouldn’t be.”

Mom broke down in tears when I walked into the house a couple nights ago. She felt so bad that I was missing school. But Mahir didn’t lie— she is getting bad. She’s having trouble walking, and is now on oxygen. I used the diamonds that Mahir and I stole from the jewelry dealer to pay for the rest of her bills and hired the neighbor girl to be live-in help, since Mom begged me to go back to AU.

I don’t want to be here. I want to be at home, caring for my mother. But some part of Mom gets better when I’m at school. It’s like I give her hope by attending. If staying at AU helps her hold on a little longer, I’ll sign up for another degree after I earn this one.

“Regardless, class has been canceled today, seeing as since Zayde Amirmoez doesn’t bother to show up, neither does anyone else,” Professor Shadi snipes, rolling up his sleeves.

“Yeah, okay, like I believe that. You probably canceled for another reason and just want to make me feel guilty,” I say.

“Bashira is waiting for you in Jameelahera’s office,” he says, ignoring my comment. “I told her to wait there, if some miracle happened that you turned up. It seems Alshams has shined his favor upon us, as you have somehow managed to grace us with your presence.”

“All right, that’s enough,” I say. “You know I wouldn’t leave you hanging like this unless it was important.”

“You’ve been known to disappear before,” he says. “Head that way. I’ll go look for Meela.”

He vanishes on the spot, sending papers flying off his desk. I shake my head and start toward Jameelahera’s office. When I get there, I hesitate at the door. Is Bashira going to be mad at me? I sure hope not. I didn’t mean to leave her with an explanation, but I had to. Taking a deep breath, I open the door slowly.

I smile when I see her. Bashira’s got a pair of headphones on and is dancing around the room, moving to a beat I can’t hear. Her eyes are closed, and she sings the words softly to herself as she spins in circles, bending and swaying her body. I lean against the wall and watch her, wondering when she’s going to notice I’m here.


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